This is a woodblock print cat from the series of animals made by Shin Kogei of Hida-Takayama in Gifu
Shin Kogei were founded in Hida-Takayama in the snowy north of Gifu prefecture by a local artist, and their shop is a landmark within the town. Hida-Takayama was an important castle settlement in the Middle Ages, and today has a fine tradition for wood craft.
Shin Kogei use wood to make their printing blocks. Designs principally of animals that can be seen in Hida-Takayama, and are transferred to the woodblocks, before being hand dyed onto natural cotton. Each colour designates a different block used, showing the time spent on each. The animals are filled with natural casks and hand sewn.
The cat depicted here is modelled on the 'loyal cat' of a folk story in which a pet protected a princess at the Takayama Jin’ya historic building in Hida-Takayama,
It is 6cm wide, and 10cm high.